Thursday, March 19, 2015


Hello all! Fun blog today. A while back, like months back I saw a super cheap lego table idea on Pintetest, I wanted to build it but didn't want to spend the money to get it!;) my friend had told me she purchased hers "ON SALE" for $100 and I thought she was joking! That's not what I wanted to spend at all! 
 So I posted a wanted add on our local FACEBOOK swap page in search of a particular size of table, as seen below its an ikea kids craft table and I got it for $5!!! No joke I couldn't believe it. 
Next I needed the lego sheets- do you know how stupid expensive those are? Well they are $15 a piece at the lego store! Again not what I wanted to pay so I was searching and posting and Amazon had a very reasonable set of four for $25 which I was going to do when ready but hadn't yet. 
 Today at target I found them for $7.99 each.. I had to grab them. I know it's slight more than Amazon but cheaper than everywhere else and I didn't pay shipping or have to wait;) not my strongest attribute. 
So here is my super duper cheap lego table! Fun for hours and crazy easy especially if you already have any of these items. (Ps: I used gorilla glue to place them forever on my table) 
 My daughter is a project junkie and the boys were busy building their new lego set they just purchased together, so here's Chaseygirl and our lego table- 
Thanks pinterest, target, gorilla glue, and the nice lady on facebook. 

God bless! 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Taken for granted

 One week before the event: 

Starting my day off today with a little (or a lot) of self pitty and woe is me's was not as fun as one might hope for. Sitting on my couch pouting and being consumed with all the things I felt like I couldn't accomplish or honestly get to in time. As my family enters its busiest season of the year when my husband coaches High School baseball and my older two children play on seperate teams I obviously can not be at all their games this year;( I also was consumed with the baby bump and Home REMODLE we will be tackling in the same season. WHO DOES THAT?! I guess we do- so now your feeling my slight self pitty? Well DONT! 
As a church brat I quickly knew I was headed down a not so good thinking road and stopped short to take time to pray. Asking the Lord for direction and encouragement instead of what I was feeling. I walked away from those thoughts and forgot about my morning till later this afternoon when I came across these: 

 Our miracle! 
In a split second I was reminded of less than four months ago when we were rushed to the hospital to learn how drastically our lives were about to change.
Medecine and diet and scales and germs and on and on and on.... We listened...We prayed...We learned...And we started immediately doing what they told us to do. 
 15 lb swing from fluids and Medecine took my sons body for a trip we hope to never take again. 
We were told he'd be sick again, we were told we would fight this for years. We were told he could die from the common cold and flue. 
But we choose to stand on Gods promises, His words, and His faithfulness. We have been free of hospitals for almost four months- so far no relaps that we were told would happy often! We are working together as a family and Im FOREVER greatful to thenLord for His goodness and love for my son and my family. 

Matt6:34 do not worry.... 

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Duet 31:2

These days this is what my son looks like- prednisone cheeks. 
We know this isn't forever and we will do what we need to do until that day even if it's tasteless! Lol... (Low sodium diet) 
But Judah my son is here! He's alive, he's going to school, he's playing sports, he's doing his chores and playing with his siblings. All these things we took for granted and almost lost!  So I'm writing all this to say: don't let the paint color, or lack of food in the fridge, or gas bill get you down, don't let the light payment, sports schedule, or home remodel, distract you from what's most important- Gods word, time with Him and then time with your family. His direction and plans and not ours are what's important. But mostly it's Souls for the kingdom and our children knowing who their savior is! 
We will move forward: we will continue to serve our Lord: we will seek His direction and not seek our own selfish plans. And we will seek the Lord all the days of our lives. 

Hope you have a blessed day!