So I posted a wanted add on our local FACEBOOK swap page in search of a particular size of table, as seen below its an ikea kids craft table and I got it for $5!!! No joke I couldn't believe it.
Next I needed the lego sheets- do you know how stupid expensive those are? Well they are $15 a piece at the lego store! Again not what I wanted to pay so I was searching and posting and Amazon had a very reasonable set of four for $25 which I was going to do when ready but hadn't yet.
Today at target I found them for $7.99 each.. I had to grab them. I know it's slight more than Amazon but cheaper than everywhere else and I didn't pay shipping or have to wait;) not my strongest attribute.
So here is my super duper cheap lego table! Fun for hours and crazy easy especially if you already have any of these items. (Ps: I used gorilla glue to place them forever on my table)
My daughter is a project junkie and the boys were busy building their new lego set they just purchased together, so here's Chaseygirl and our lego table-
Thanks pinterest, target, gorilla glue, and the nice lady on facebook.
God bless!