Sunday, February 22, 2015

Power in the blood

I've been sitting on my thoughts and stories lately trying to decide if I had anything fun or interesting to write about and have decided nothing exciting has happend. Yes life has gone on, yes things have happened, decisions have been made and changed daily. Kids have done funny and interesting things and we have all continued down the road of life without major injury or change in the last few weeks, so I guess that is something to write about hahaha (moms you know what I mean) 

Today is Sunday morning and I am enjoying worship with my church family and husband by my side. Our worship team starts singing "power in the blood" one of my absolute favorite songs but immediately I think one phrase. 
"Just one drop of your blood Lord" just one drop of your blood could heal, it could fix it. One drop would be more than enough for anything anyone needed. Just one drop?! And yet he gave us His Whole Body. It might sound odd and maybe you've already gone down this road with the Lord, idk. Today for me I felt a differnt strength in what I was asking of the Lord. 
I was immediately reminded of the women in Matthew 9:18-26 she said " if I could just touch his garment I shall be well" she knew in her knower, her spirit man, her inner hurting and longing self that all she needed was a touch from Him and it would change her whole life. 
The bible says it many times, here's just a few that His blood covers a multitude of sins, His blood was shed for us 
Matt 26:29, Eph 1:7 
His blood is for us it's for YOU! 

The bottom line is if your searching or waiting or longing for an answer or a healing or an act of some sort Im believing in my spirit this is for you as it is for me- Gods blood that was shed many a years ago is ENOUGH, was ENOUGH. One drop, one touch, one beliefe is all he's needing from you, so touch His garment today. Touch his face in worship today, believe and you shall be healed!! 

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