Hello again, I introduced myself in my first blog and thought I'd introduce you to my family in this one. It only seems right since my name is "four kids and crazy" that you would meet my four kids😜
I had mentioned before that I married my high school sweet heart the same year I graduated, Yes that's to young! But I was in Love and I knew God had called us to be together and lets be real at 18 you know everything right?! Anyway I got married in December and by February I was pregnant with our first child, a boy! We were unprepared, excited, unknowing, joyful, and expecting. Our lives would forever change when that baby boy was born four weeks early weighing in at a whopping 5.3lbs His name is Judah. He was and is the calmest, most gental, giving, considerate, Son and big brother. He teaches us how to listen to Gods voice and to be obedient to Him on a daily basis. He is quick to forgive and forget and is loved by many. He is a perfect example of the Lords desire for us to treat others and walk with Him daily. Judah is 11 yrs old and he is also the son who is dealing with the kidney issues.

Three years later we added our beautiful daughter Chase. She is vibrant, crafty,musical, artistic, loud, joyful, and everything you would wish for your child to be that you could never instill in them yourself. I knew she was a go getter from day one, as she had me on bed rest for almost four month! She was constantly making me contract but to no avail she didn't come till her due date. Who does that? Chase does😄she has her own time line, then and now. She writes her own script. And it's a MESS.... I daily ask the Lord for guidance and ideas on how to teach and train a child that has so much life and does life so differently from my own way of thinking and doing. Chase is beautiful inside and out and she teaches us to use our words wisely (or you'll hurt her feelings) to take EVERYDAY for what it is, and to never go to bed with anything hanging over your head. She is life and color and a perfect example of the Lords love for us. Chase is turning 8 yrs old this month although some days it feels like 18😳

Three years after our daughter we added another son. Pregancy and delivery were easy. Malachi is the third child. CRAZY!!!!! Capital C. He is spunk, energy, dare devil, concushions, did I say Energy? He is the most handsome little boy with the biggest smile and the most jokes. He is the life of the party and feels the need to be so daily. He grabs life by the ears, nose, toes, hands, and makes sure nothing gets missed along the way. Malachi LOVES his big brother, DEALS with his big sister and is the BIGGEST cuddler of them all. He kisses me everyday more times than I can count and constantly tells us (me) how much he loves us and misses us. He was😁 the perfect book end to our family of five. He keeps my days busy and our lives full. Malachi turns 5 in February and is a perfect picture of Gods humor, kindness, gentleness, and love for us. Daily I'm shown how much our Heavenly Father must loves us if I can love this boy so much.

That brings us to number four!!!! Number four? What I'm having number four? That sounds CRAZY. Even to me and I'm the one growing this little bean. My husband and I were both very much done at three. It's plenty, it's a lot actually. We are busy people, church, school, sports, coaching, doctors appointments, family, friends, and all the other things life brings. Why would we want to add another one to this? Well because for the last two years my heart was shifting, softening, and there was a longing I couldn't put my fingers on. So I started praying and asking the Lord to show me what He was stirring inside of me. I also started praying that my heart would "line up" with my husbands which ever decision that might be. I didn't want to make this decision without him, to him, or against him. We are a TEAM, we are a unit, one designed by God. My children who have been getting older and smarter started asking for a baby sister and I told them, pray. I won't make this decision based on feelings or wants, but only if the Lord wants us too and if we are all on the same page, as this will change our lives forever. Well needless to say we all agreed!! But not quite the way I had seen it all going down. God is gracious and he is real with us. And I believe that our surprise baby was the perfect thing for our family at the most perfect time. The weekend after we got home from the hospital with our oldest and his sudden kidney syndrome , I took a pregnancy test ( cause I knew in my knower) it was POSITIVE! It had been less than three weeks since my husband and I had officialy agreed to see where this decision would take us, and definitely before our unexpected health issues, and life changes. However we couldn't have been happier or more surprised. now we had an amazing gift to share with our family and friends for Christmas of 2014! So baby number four isn't here yet, the little bean is due in July 2015. But we are preparing for the bean and our new family of six.

Thanks for reading, and learning about my family. I love them to pieces and love being their mom. Can't wait to meet this little baby and add them and all they bring to our crazy mix!