I am 30 years old, married at 18, kids at 19, been a wife and mother longer than one of my closest friends have been around to know me. But this year my two best friends and I get to be mommies together!!! I was so thrilled when my best friend Nicole found out she was expecting her second, and thrilled when I found out my other bestie Kourtney was trying for number three, but to be honest I was feeling slightly left out. I have been there, done that, it's not like I wasn't ever going to experience being pregnant or even being pregnant with them, because I've done that too. But on Christmas Adam (as my eleven year old informed us) we surprised our closets friends with the news that we were expecting.
We cried.... No we bawled....like giant babies because she blerts out " I AM TOO" Ohhhh myyyy gosshhhh. We couldn't have planned this or prepared for this we were both waiting to tell each other. So for the first and most likely the last time EVER the three of us get to be pregnant together.
-Nicole (on the left) is do in just over a month with her second
- Kourtney(on the right) is one week behind me, due in August, with her third
- I (in the middle) am due the last week of July, with my fourth.
We are all very different! different sizes, different ages, personalities and challenges. It would be easy for us to beat ourselves up cause we don't do it the same way as the other, but instead we encourage each other, love each other and lift each other up. I can't wait to see what our futures will hold with these babies and our family's but I am thrilled to say the least. Thanks besties for all you do, who you are, and what we will become!
AHHHH. this made my heart so happy. I am so grateful and blessed to get to be pregnant with you. A dream since I was young and The Lord gave it to us. to raise a baby together, to do this crazy thing called pregnancy together. . . Love it.