Friday, October 23, 2015

The Super Six!

We used to call ourselves the "Fab Five" but we added a little tiny super human to our family so we are now the "Super Six" and I think the last 12 months have given us the right to use the name. 
My husband Jonathan and I have been together for 15 yrs married for 13 yr this coming December. We've experienced jobs,pregnancy, fires, remodels, miscarriage, death, injury, and health issues. We have only become closer to each other and to the Lord through it all. 
“They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.”
Luke 6:48 NIV
We know you can not withstand the storms if you don't have a firm foundation in Gods words and faith in His promises. Does that mean we never waiver? Or shake? Absolutely not! We talk, we cry, and we wonder Lord why us again? But we KNOW He's there with us. We lean on His word and speak it out. 
“If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”
1 Peter 4:11 NIV
We are to be the kingdom on earth, an example to those who don't know the Lord through any and all trials and walks of our lives. 
In the last 12 months, our family has experienced the most trama we've had as a whole, and through it all we've grabbed hold of each other (family first) our friends and family, and the Lord ( our sure foundation). 
Our lives arnt perfect, God never promised us perfect lives, He promised us He would never leave our side. 
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.””
Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV

I hope this encourages you today. We havnt walked out this experience completely yet, but we are walking it out hand in hand with each other and the Lord and I encourage you to do the same in your trial. I'm a big believer in this fact: You can't live your fullest, happiest, blessed life without the Third strand in the chord. Trials will come and hurt will happen but you can have hope and peace! 
“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
Ecclesiastes 4:12 NIV 

Blessings on you today! 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

What I would say

As I've had some days to myself to think and reflect and dwell on things of today and of the past, I have some thoughts and some feelings id like to share and get down on paper. Things that I think everyday but often forget to say out loud. Words that I think would be a shame to never have said or have been heard. 

Judah Lee Anthony Syphard- I love you so much more than I can express with words. You have been such a joy to me from the moment you were born. Tiny and early and causing our world to turn upside down in a moment you changed us for the better and made me a mommy which was my life's dream! You were a typical first born and have continued to be an amazing big brother and young man. Your love for your family and the Lord is exactly what I had hoped for you for all your days. I pray for you daily that you'll walk with the Lord, trust Him and know that His love for you is all consuming and never ending. You have a gifting and a calling that I pray you walk out all the days of your life. 

Chase Carolee Evalyn Syphard- the brightest of lights in my life! You are beautiful inside and out. I say it all the time but it's so true, you are everything I wish I could be and I'm so absolutely greatful the Lord gave you to me. You are the sunshine in the darkness and the smile to a sad day. You are a gift to me and to our family. I pray you keep loving life and living for Jesus all the days of your life! Never forget He loves you and will love you no matter what. You are a beautiful girl who will someday soon be a women and I pray you expect nothing but Gods best for yourself and that you hold on to your dreams and find someone who will make them happen with you. You will do great things! 

Malachi Ethan James Syphard- oh buggy, how you changed my days. You came in to our family a big smiley pile of tears. Crying and barfing and giant belly buttons, you were the cutest hardest baby I had ever had. You also were the cuddliest and I took every chance I could to enjoy those cuddles. I love that you still at 5 1/2yrs hold my hand while I try to take a nap. You run out during a commercial just to give me a kiss. I love you and your physical touch needs as they are perfect for your physical touch momma. You are by far the funniest kid I know! You make us laugh every single day and we need that happy boy. Please know and remeber God created you the way you are! He loves you even more than I do and He always will. God has great plans for you buggy and I pray you hear and listen to His voice all the days of your life. 

Charlotte Jordan Grace Syphard- we don't know your personality yet, but we know you have a great smile. You love talking with us and to us and watching the family move about the space. You desire to be right in the middle where I believe you belong. You've been a blessing to me while I get through this season and it's so true how our family feels like you've been here all along. I love you and desire the very best for you. I can not wait to see what the Lord has in store for you!

Jonathan David Syphard- why didn't your mom give you three names?;)
You are truly the Love of my Life! My earliest memories are of wanting to be your girl, following you around, longing to wear your sweatshirt. I even carried your golf bag for you! You have a way of making me want to be more and do more. You challenge me to live the life God wants for me. Your my perfect team mate. You are the other half of me and I honestly can't imagine living life with anyone else. 
You are so strong and have put up with so much you shouldn't have too in your 32 yrs. I want you to know that you saved my life 15 yrs ago, I know I've told you that before, but you did. You took a chance on this onry girl, and you've given her so much. The Lord put us together f ad I can't imagine my life without you in it. You are one of a kind Jonathan syphard and I LOVE you so much!