Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Benefit of doubt

I've been watching the world around me lately, and have had many little chats with my best friend and partner in life about the chaos that seems to be consuming those around us. 
We've asked each other " when did you realize you could trust me?" "What was the moment you knew I had your back no matter what?"  
We each come from different back grounds, we've each been raised in the church but with different rules and regulations, we came together at a very young age and started our lives together knowing 100% that we didn't want to be with anyone else and wanted the best for the other person. That, I believe is the key, that we each wanted the best for the other person. You can't go into a relationship desiring for it to work for you, you have to go in knowing your going to give all to make it work for the other, then you'll see the seeds you sow grow into something good. 
To answer the questions we asked at the beginning, I believe in my life and mind I knew I could trust him with my all when he time after time had patients with me, and forgave me, and loved me no matter my mistakes or moods. When we took "Love and Respect" and could see and understand how differently we really do speak and understand each other but had each other's best interest at heart the whole time. 
In the past four years we have had a major injury to my husband, where the doctors were surprised he wasn't paralyzed. A major illness to our oldest child where we had to relearn how to cook and eat differently. We had a baby (making 4 kids total) and I have had to work through some major physical and mental battles after an incedent at the doctors that left me with two surgeries and a hysterectomy. 
We as a family unit, as a couple, had attacked each citation with calm, and prayer, with love and patients. You can't battle a fight if your not working as a team. You won't win the battle if you don't have each other's back. 
Is your family worth fighting for? Are your children worth living in peace? Is there space to start over, knowing that all the while you have the other persons best interest at heart? That learning how to speak to each other, or argue with love, or fight fair, is more important than winning! Could you, would you, forgive and forget and start over for a happy ending? It's your choice! You have the power, you get to choose, so choose Life! Choose family! Choose peace! Choose the other person and not self! And then do that every day, multiple times a day, and watch what happens. Loving someone is so much more than a feeling, it's a choice, lots of choices really. It's actions, it's 1Cor 13. It's a whole lot of work, and worth every single bit! Learn other people's love language, learn their personalities, learn what makes them tick and explode hahah so you'll know how to love them the best, and if we each do that for each other than we've won.    
Be blessed today, and choose life. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

You make me brave

During our bible study the other day we listened to the song "you make me brave"
and the question was asked. "What's your favorite line or statement in the song". I love that because each of us walks a differnt path each day, we each hear and need to hear a differnt promise from the Lord  for OUR situation. He's so good to speak to us individually too, so don't ever be afraid to ask Him for insight or direction. Here are a few I really liked and wanted to share. 

-"He draws us into the water"
Do you trust God enough to step into the deep with Him? “You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.”
James 2:22 NIV

- "Your love,Wave after wave"
The Lord doesn't just help you once or speak to you once He comes wave after wave soaking you in His presence. He's faithful to complete His work in you. 
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.””
Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

-"You are FOR me, you are not against me"
He is always at battle for you! His one desire is that you and your generations come to serve Him. He layed down His life to save yours despite what you have done or will do. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.””
Exodus 14:14 NIV

-"You made a way for All to enter in"
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”
John 3:16-17 NIV

Just some promises for the day. He loves us so much, His desire is for us to love Him in return. Trust God and watch Him pour His love on you Wave after Wave! 

Friday, October 23, 2015

The Super Six!

We used to call ourselves the "Fab Five" but we added a little tiny super human to our family so we are now the "Super Six" and I think the last 12 months have given us the right to use the name. 
My husband Jonathan and I have been together for 15 yrs married for 13 yr this coming December. We've experienced jobs,pregnancy, fires, remodels, miscarriage, death, injury, and health issues. We have only become closer to each other and to the Lord through it all. 
“They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.”
Luke 6:48 NIV
We know you can not withstand the storms if you don't have a firm foundation in Gods words and faith in His promises. Does that mean we never waiver? Or shake? Absolutely not! We talk, we cry, and we wonder Lord why us again? But we KNOW He's there with us. We lean on His word and speak it out. 
“If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”
1 Peter 4:11 NIV
We are to be the kingdom on earth, an example to those who don't know the Lord through any and all trials and walks of our lives. 
In the last 12 months, our family has experienced the most trama we've had as a whole, and through it all we've grabbed hold of each other (family first) our friends and family, and the Lord ( our sure foundation). 
Our lives arnt perfect, God never promised us perfect lives, He promised us He would never leave our side. 
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.””
Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV

I hope this encourages you today. We havnt walked out this experience completely yet, but we are walking it out hand in hand with each other and the Lord and I encourage you to do the same in your trial. I'm a big believer in this fact: You can't live your fullest, happiest, blessed life without the Third strand in the chord. Trials will come and hurt will happen but you can have hope and peace! 
“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
Ecclesiastes 4:12 NIV 

Blessings on you today! 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

What I would say

As I've had some days to myself to think and reflect and dwell on things of today and of the past, I have some thoughts and some feelings id like to share and get down on paper. Things that I think everyday but often forget to say out loud. Words that I think would be a shame to never have said or have been heard. 

Judah Lee Anthony Syphard- I love you so much more than I can express with words. You have been such a joy to me from the moment you were born. Tiny and early and causing our world to turn upside down in a moment you changed us for the better and made me a mommy which was my life's dream! You were a typical first born and have continued to be an amazing big brother and young man. Your love for your family and the Lord is exactly what I had hoped for you for all your days. I pray for you daily that you'll walk with the Lord, trust Him and know that His love for you is all consuming and never ending. You have a gifting and a calling that I pray you walk out all the days of your life. 

Chase Carolee Evalyn Syphard- the brightest of lights in my life! You are beautiful inside and out. I say it all the time but it's so true, you are everything I wish I could be and I'm so absolutely greatful the Lord gave you to me. You are the sunshine in the darkness and the smile to a sad day. You are a gift to me and to our family. I pray you keep loving life and living for Jesus all the days of your life! Never forget He loves you and will love you no matter what. You are a beautiful girl who will someday soon be a women and I pray you expect nothing but Gods best for yourself and that you hold on to your dreams and find someone who will make them happen with you. You will do great things! 

Malachi Ethan James Syphard- oh buggy, how you changed my days. You came in to our family a big smiley pile of tears. Crying and barfing and giant belly buttons, you were the cutest hardest baby I had ever had. You also were the cuddliest and I took every chance I could to enjoy those cuddles. I love that you still at 5 1/2yrs hold my hand while I try to take a nap. You run out during a commercial just to give me a kiss. I love you and your physical touch needs as they are perfect for your physical touch momma. You are by far the funniest kid I know! You make us laugh every single day and we need that happy boy. Please know and remeber God created you the way you are! He loves you even more than I do and He always will. God has great plans for you buggy and I pray you hear and listen to His voice all the days of your life. 

Charlotte Jordan Grace Syphard- we don't know your personality yet, but we know you have a great smile. You love talking with us and to us and watching the family move about the space. You desire to be right in the middle where I believe you belong. You've been a blessing to me while I get through this season and it's so true how our family feels like you've been here all along. I love you and desire the very best for you. I can not wait to see what the Lord has in store for you!

Jonathan David Syphard- why didn't your mom give you three names?;)
You are truly the Love of my Life! My earliest memories are of wanting to be your girl, following you around, longing to wear your sweatshirt. I even carried your golf bag for you! You have a way of making me want to be more and do more. You challenge me to live the life God wants for me. Your my perfect team mate. You are the other half of me and I honestly can't imagine living life with anyone else. 
You are so strong and have put up with so much you shouldn't have too in your 32 yrs. I want you to know that you saved my life 15 yrs ago, I know I've told you that before, but you did. You took a chance on this onry girl, and you've given her so much. The Lord put us together f ad I can't imagine my life without you in it. You are one of a kind Jonathan syphard and I LOVE you so much! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015


We are a GKGW family and have been since our first son was born 12yrs ago next month. If you don't know what GKGW is, it's similar to "Baby Wise" or an easier way to explain it, is that it's a teaching and training corse on parenting from birth to adulthood. We LOVE it! It's scheduling,wisdom, help, encouragement, and so much more. Anyway... We have always done the scheduling of our newborns eat/wake/sleep and believe that it is the best form for our family to function as smoothly as possible. Well 7wks ago we added our fourth beautiful child to our family and have put her on a schedule and she's doing great. Sleeping 5 hrs a night at this point, which i felt was exceptable for her age and size. Well my best friend works for a company that sells a baby swaddled, "the Ollie swaddle" and I was a fan from the beginning because I have also always swaddled my newborns until they can't handle it anymore. Well I was treating this swaddle just like I treated all my other easy swaddles☺️ until my best friend came over and tightened it, put my babies arm in this perticular spot and then layed her down where she then slept each and every nap that day to the fullest without a cry or a peep. And to our amazement added TWO FULL HRS to her night time sleep (7hrs at 7wks) for the next two days. I believe it is our new regular and I was blown away that a blanket could help that much. 
Now I do think that our babies eat/wake/sleep schedule allows her to have the ruteine and schedule she needs for us to know when she's in distress or not, and to help her when and how she needs it. But this very easy, breathable,non sweating, super cute swaddle system has added even more depth to our sleep system and I'm SUPER greatful and thankful for it. 

I would encourage any new or veteran mom to invest in this perticular swaddle and I will be buying them as baby shower gifts for sure! 
Also seen in this picture one of my favorite fourth baby items is the Milksnob car seat cover which is also a perfect nursing cover on the go. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Awkward and Awesome!

I'm going to totally steal a friends blogging title ( because as I've been sitting and thinking about what to tittle my blog today and it's the only thing that captures it well. You'll probably think I'm crazy when we're done but OH WELL....😜

Hello! My name is Cassi and I am a wife and mother of four beautiful children, my fourth child was born just 6wks ago. It was by far my most amazing, enjoyable, healthiest pregnancy and delivery of all my kids. I have intended to blog about that, but have been to busy. But back to our story today, this past week I had a post partum appointment scheduled for an IUD placement. I have had this same IUD four other times and have had no issues with it, I have also had the same doctor for the last ten years and wouldn't trade her for nothing..... My appointment was un eventful. Everything went as planned and I put my pants back on and headed down the street to grab diapers at Target (I am in love with their Up&Up brand). 
Let's be real, who goes into Target and only gets the ONE item they have on their list?! Not me, not you. So my cart pretty much looked and felt like this. 

As I was wondering around in each department, I started to feel little drips in my panties😁😳 I felt like a pregnant person and texted my two best friends making fun of myself for obviously having an issue post birth that I hadn't dealt with during pregnancy. I continued to wander the store and with each step I felt more drips and they got heavier, I honestly thought that they had broke me and I was uncontrollably peeing my pants, let's just saw AWKWARD! I have a cart full of random and important objects, a car seat with a sleeping newborn, a diaper bag and boxes of diapers, my cart was full and my mind was frazzled. Did I think to leave the cart and go to the restroom? NO I did not, I don't know why, I just didn't. What I was thinking was OMG this is embarrassing, I'm peeing my pants and everyone is going to see and I have no where to hide. So I did what all women would do, reach my hand down to feel just how wet I really am.. My fingures were bloody, 😩 why didn't I think of that! Now I'm mortified. I have to weave my way to the front of the store and pay and leave asap. But as I get there and I'm standing in line I can not stop the flow that I feel dropping. This is AWKWARD, AND CRAZY. So again like any silly girl would do, I ask the cashier for help, PLEASE can you grab me some yoga pants from the section right behind us, I'll pay anything, I just can't move! So she has a manager come help her (she wasn't allowed to leave her station) and I pay for my cart full of UN NECCISARY items before I head to the bathrooms. Bathrooms that are NOT designed for a shopping cart full of items and baby car seats😳 but I have no choice, so I stand in line for the biggest stall and wait......
 What I find is startaling. I'm hemoraging. Bleeding uncontrollably, blood clots and in scary amounts. So I clean up, change into my new yoga pants and head out the store. Baby is now screaming, it's her lunch time, I'm now slightly freaked out and I unload all of target into my car, grab the baby, feed her, and call the doctor. They of course say please safely find a way back to us. I call my amazing husband who stays on the phone with me till I arrive at the doctors office where they determine that I am indeed bleeding, but can't find why, or from where. My IUD is taken out and I'm asked to lay down till the bleeding stops. After two hrs it doesn't stop, so they determine that I need to go tot the ER where they can help me if further help is needed while my body calms down. 
While in the ER I continue to loose huge amounts of blood, while talking with the nurses and doctors, feeding my baby, and making arrangements for my other children who I will now not be home on time to help after school. Though many people came in to inspect and help, no one was able to determine what was wrong nor help it stop, I was then asked to sign papers for an OR (operating room) procedure, they said it would take one hr, then an hr in the recovery room and home we would go! 
Sweet, home sounds great. 
While I was in the OR, I underwent three procedures instead of one, and I was under for three hrs instead of one. My husband had the baby and had to endure the scariest moments of his life, for that I am sad. The doctors had to explaine to us the next day in recovery that they have no clue WHAT exactly happened, they only have a guess that my IUD nicked an artery or vessel on my uterus, but they have no way of knowing for sure. They tried two different balloon systems and a DNC while in surgery, non of those procedures worked and they finally were able to stop the bleeding with what they described as "toothpaste" and some carterization. I was informed that this is all very delicate and unknown and they're hope is that I will scab over and heal on my own, but the chances of busting open in the next few days was possible, and with that they gave me the AWESOME miracle of living and being on the hospitals "watch list" my name is on the boards and all the doctors have been informed of what to do if I come in again. The lord spared my life on Thursday September 10th, 2015. I was somehow completely coherent and receptive, breastfeeding, and talking while I was bleeding my body's amount of blood and no one was aware of how serious it really was until the end. I've been placed on strict bed rest in hopes that my "toothpaste" will hold😁 I get to be home with my family and continue to be the mother to my beautiful children. Although I am having some slight side effects of going through this, overall it's nothing compared to what it could have been. 
 That is my AWKWARD & AWESOME! The moral of the story is that I'm not allowed to get an IUD and now it's up to my hubby to "fix" the baby making issue😜 
I believe having Charlie with me helped my body: 
- nursing causes your uterus to contract which helped bring it into line
- having a baby that relied on me every three hrs kept my focus on her and feeding and not on being scared or nervous at all. 
My boring and dark recovery room, where I got monitored every hour through the night.
The labor and delivery newborn bed we had to borrow for Charlie to sleep in. 
The funniest part is that she's still so little that everyone kept congratulating us on having a baby👏 I guess a mom in the hospital and a newborn can make you think that. 
Today while we sit in bed and recover together, she smiled for the camera. 

We serve a BIG God, and His provision for my family is very anything short of what we need. Blessings on you today! 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Baby Charlie

Almost four weeks home with our baby girl and life is still moving at a 3hr pace. We have always put our kids on a schedule and believe it is a huge benefit to the baby and the family. 
Charlie is a great eater gaining lbs as we go. Started off so small (5.6 full term) and weighed 6.4 at her three week mark. Getting her out of preemie clothes and into these baggy newborn clothes lol.
 She honestly and absolutely knows and loves to listen to my voice. When I talk she finds me in the room, when I'm holding her she just stairs into my eyes and listens. 
 Charlotte is the baby of four kids. Her oldest brother (11) constantly wants to know where she is and if she's ok but is slightly nervous to do the holding. 
Her big sister (8) is a little mommy when it comes to holding, helping, watching, stocking but hasn't tackled diapers yet?! 

Her other brother, the littlest of the pack until her (5) has very little desire for her until bedtime then wants to kiss her. He did however get to fulfill his dreams of giving her her first bottle when it was time to introduce it. 
  School hasn't started yet and I'm soooo very greatful to have my kids home with me for one last week. More because I love having them home, but also because it gave us four full weeks to conquer life with four before the chaos begins! 
Here's a peek of what we've been up to this summer break with baby. 
-walks, LOTS of walks...
-friends! LOTS of friends... 
I had the great opportunity to be pregnant and have babies with these lovely ladies. Prayer and believing to once be pregnant with my best friend came true!!
Finley 6mnths 
Nora and Charlie were born less than 24hrs apart! 

The rest are for fun- blessings on you and your day! 
Charlie is thin and tiny- 2.5wks
But with the right angles we can make her look HUGE! Lol 3.5wks
Bath time is her Happy Place-